Stay in shape and discover the latest innovations in the sector to practice sport in the best conditions! Buy Serum Protein Biotech USA Pure Whey Chocolate at the best price and enjoy a healthy life!
- Art: Protein
- Geschmack: Schokolade
- Important information:
- Glutenfrei
- Palmölfrei
- Zuckerfrei
- Material: L-Glutamin
- Kapazität: 1 kg
- Inhaltsstoffe:
- Kokosnuss-Öl
- L-Arginin
- Kakao
- Salz
- L-glutamine
- Sojalecithin
- Instant-Kaffee
- Glukosesirup
- L-Isoleucin
- L-Leucin
- L-Valin
- Milcheiweiß
- Molkenprotein
- Saccharose
- Sucralose
- Kaliumphosphat
- Kalziumphosphat
- Zellulosegummi
- Entrahmte Milch
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